25th Anniversary Show Footage

Updated 11/20/20:

A lot of people have asked about this footage, and we wanted to share the full details of what is going on with that:

A different production crew was working on a pilot series about local music scenes. One of the episodes was going to be about Fort Collins and The Blasting Room. Because we were also creating this documentary and shooting our own footage that weekend, we met with their team to discuss working together and sharing the footage that was captured. About half of the crew recording the show that night was the crew from this documentary, while the other half was the pilot series staff. We used their equipment that evening at the show, so they took all of the cards afterward.

We’re now caught up in legal issues with the other production company, and have yet to receive the footage from the show that night. We’re currently working on clearing use for the film but no idea of the timeline or whether or not we’ll be able to reach an agreement. Just know that we’re doing the best we can given the situation and the big money backing the other production team.